Teaching preschoolers since 1956
Camp Hill Presbyterian Church
Statement of Welcome
As followers of Jesus, we affirm the dignity and worth of every person as created in the image of God. We are committed to creating an inclusive space of belonging and safety. Therefore, this community of faith welcomes into full participation, membership, and leadership, persons of diverse age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identify, physical or mental ability, level of education, class, or income.
Rooted in the Reformed tradition, we affirm that "God alone is Lord of the conscience," allowing for a breadth of diverse theological and biblical interpretations. We covenant to accept, respect, and love one another as we apply our faith in the circumstances of our lives and in the matters of the world.
Pastor Nancy
The Rev. Dr. Nancy Conklin, Head of Staff
Nancy comes to us from Limestone Presbyterian Church in Newark, Del., where she served as interim pastor since 2017. She received a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Trenton State College (now the College of New Jersey), a law degree from Seton Hall Law School, and a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary. Prior to ministry, she was a litigator in private practice.
Nancy began her pastoral ministry as an associate pastor for youth and families, and for the past 22 years has served as a pastor or interim pastor in congregations throughout New Jersey. The heart of her call to ministry, within and outside the walls of the church, is to foster spiritual growth from cradle to grave in the lives of people who hunger and thirst for deeper meaning and a greater purpose in their lives as children of God.