Teaching preschoolers since 1956

Connectors 3 & 4s
Tuesday-Thursday 9:30-12:00
Lead Teacher - Mrs. Lauren Kohl
Assistant Teacher - Mrs. Katie Smith
March 4, 5, 6
Theme: Read Across America Week
Letter: Review letters Colors: Red, White
Books: Llama, Llama Red Pajama, The Cat in the Hat, The Mixed-Up Chameleon
Crafts/Activities: Patterns, Rhyming, Letters in name - recognition and practice writing, Number
March 11, 12, 13
Theme: Rainbows
Letter: R Colors: ROY G BIV (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet)
Books: What Makes a Rainbow?, Looking at the Sky: Rainbows, Pete the Kitty and the Unicorn’s Missing Colors
Crafts/Activities: Skittles rainbow experiment, How to grow a rainbow, Build a Rainbow, Color mixing, Color sorting
There is no class on 3/12 for Parent Conferences
March 18, 19, 20
Theme: Spring
Letter: D Colors: Green, Yellow
Books: How Do You Know It’s Spring?, Bear Wants More, Swim, Duck, Swim!, Abracadabra, It’s
Crafts/Activities: Seasons review, Flower painting, Five Little Ducks Finger Play, Number recognition, Bird feeders, Spring themed yoga poses
March 25, 26, 27
Theme: Music Week
Letter: M and X
Books: Hello World!: Music, Music is in Everything, Let’s Play An Instrument
Crafts/Activities: Introduction to musical instruments, Shaky eggs, Short and long animal rhythm, Painting to music
3/25 - Art Show will be held in the Fellowship Hall from 5:30 to 7:00pm. Come see what the students of CHPC have made this year!
• 3/12 - Parent conferences - there is no class for students
• 3/25 - Art Show will be held in the Fellowship Hall from 5:30 to 7:00 pm
• 4/17 - No School for Easter Break
• 5/14 - End of Year Program will be held at 11:00 am in the Church Sanctuary. This will also
be the last day at the school.
• If your child is not feeling well - please keep them home. We require your child to be fever
free for at least 24 hours. Any questions, please refer to page 13 of the Parent/Guardian
Handbook which can be found on the school website.
• Dress your child appropriately - we will be going outside as long as it is warm enough and the
playground is dry!
5/15 - Playground party (new date) will be held at Winding Hill Park North from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm