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Teaching preschoolers since 1956

Next Steps 3s
Monday-Wednesday 9:15-11:45
Lead Teacher - Mrs. Maura Brittingham
Assistant Teacher - Mrs. Nadine Buzzard
March 3,4,5
Our themes will be The End of Winter and the numbers 2 and 5 and the letters G and C
Read Across America Week
Our Books: The Mitten, The Hat, The Snowy Nap
Our crafts: Lacing Hat
Concepts: Lacing, Singular vs Plural, Story Sequencing.
March 10, 11, 12
Our themes will be Rainbows, the numbers 6 and 9 and the letters B, P and R
Conferences on Monday March 10, students will not have class.
Our books: The Mixed Up Chameleon , Hello, Red Fox
Our crafts: Color Changing Chameleon.
Concepts: Sequencing and Ordering and colors
Fun activities: Edible Rainbow
March 17,18,19
Our themes will be Taking Care of our Bodies, the numbers 3 and 8 and the letters I, L and T
No School Monday March 17 – Spring Break
Our books: Growing Vegetable Soup, Douglas, You Need Glasses
Our crafts: Healthy Lunch Box
Fun activities: Human Body Puzzle
March 24, 25,26
Our themes will be Music the number 4 and the letters M, N, W.
Our books: Who Sang the First Song? Ellie in Concert Giraffe Can’t Dance
Our crafts: Musical instrument
Conferences will be held on Monday March 10. Class will not be in session.
No School Monday March 17 for Spring Break
Art Show Monday March 24, 5:30-7:00. If you cannot make Monday evening, please feel free to
stop in Tuesday evening
Mrs. Brittingham and Mrs. Buzzard
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